vCenter 5.1 rejecting ESXi 4.1 hosts
Hi all,With the help of a few blog posts, I've upgraded our vCenter Server installation from 4.1 to 5.1. Nothing too fancy, everything all on a single VM, managing less than 100 VMs across three hosts....
View ArticleRe: View Users default printer not always sticking
Is your View deployment a floating or persistent desktop?
View ArticleRe: "Signature Validation Failed" error with Java 7u25
Can you provide more details?- version of the Web Client- what is your setup- what do you see in vsphere_client_virgo.log regarding this error (or attach the whole log).
View ArticleRe: hgfs file corruption when using different file handles to the same file...
Hi Dominic, I have rebuilt your test application in Ubuntu VMs and can reproduce this issue.I have so far discovered that it is appears that not all the pages to be written are sent from the client.It...
View ArticleRe: VM on SSD or SATA III disk?
It's not a bad laptop but it's certainly not 'mobile', thankfully I drive to work so it's not so bad.
View ArticleRe: Host Based replication issue with VR servers.
Hi imacari80, You could:ssh root@<source_esxi_ip>cd /var/loggrep Hbr vmkernel.log or use scp/WinScp to copy /var/log/vmkernel.log from the source ESXi on your workstation and search for Hbr using...
View ArticleConsole not available in Chrome 27.0.1453.116 m
Cursor disappears when I move over the console. Refresh does not help. After multiple reboots and refreshes, 30 + minutes the console is working. Message was edited by: TerryKoziel
View ArticleRe: View Users default printer not always sticking
It's a floating pool, and it refreshes the image when the user logs out. I didn't realize I hadn't marked it as answered, but removing ThinPrint did resolve it for our deployment.
View ArticleMigrating vCenter Server 5.1 database - Oracle to SQL
Our vCenter server's Oracle database was growing at an alarming rate, and it was causing vSphere connections to crash intermittently. I found this to be very annoying and since I'm more of a SQL guy...
View ArticleRe: Publish catalogs in vCloud Hybrid
Hi Aravind, Absolutely you can publish a content catalog within vCHS. You have to first create the catalog within vCD, and then you can add a template. One it's there it will show up in the vCHS...
View ArticleRe: VCAP-DCA Scheduled for tomarrow
Well I ended up failing my first attempt by 25 points, and did my retake yesterday. I ran into a couple of issues during the test that I feel should not be part of the test. With out going into...
View ArticleRe: Setting pathing policy
Isn't that just a matter of replacing VMW_PSP_RR by VMW_PSP_MRU ?
View ArticleStaxPythonEvaluation Error
I am running a partial tile at this point - basically I am excluding the Email/ Standby workloads, but everything else is enabled. My harness is starting up and looks like it is able to talk to...
View ArticleRe: Script to output WWN Datacenter Cluster Host
Since WWN can be retriever for HBA and/or LUN, you could doforeach($dc in Get-Datacenter){ foreach($cluster in Get-Cluster -Location $dc){ foreach($esx in Get-VMHost -Location $cluster){......
View ArticlePerformance, Management and Recoverability of Datastores
Hi All, We are in the process of restructuring our datastores to take advantage of SRM. We have 60 vm's that have iscsi attached volumes ranging from 20gb to over 3tb. I am stuck on deciding whether to...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5 shows a datastore with no free space but it's empty
Hi, So create new blank VM and then create vmdk of your size . Once VM is created add this VMDK to existing vm ( Original VM ). RegardsMohammed
View ArticleRe: StaxPythonEvaluation Error
For this one, please zip up the results directory from this run and attach it here. Can you also confirm what version of VMmark you're running?
View ArticleRe: Read and write metadata in vCloud Director
To troubleshoot enable the plug-in debug mode as described in this article : will see all the requests at the REST level...
View ArticleRe: VM on disk but not in Inventory
Hi Mohammed, I renamed the .vmx file and was able to add the vm to the inventory. I also had a template with the same issue and it worked for that also. Thank you.
View ArticleRe: How to backup and restore VCO appliance (Postgres)
I do not think there is a KB since the appliance is not supported in production using the embedded DB.
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