Well I ended up failing my first attempt by 25 points, and did my retake yesterday. I ran into a couple of issues during the test that I feel should not be part of the test. With out going into details about the question, one of the tasks would require me to use a Linux command for super user, and reviewing the documents and exam blue print this is not outlined anywhere in the documents or blueprint. The second one prevented me from completing two questions because a snap-in was not installed. This snap-in is not listed in any of VMware documents for the two tasks it was needed for and is only discussed on forums. VMware document states the snap-ins are installed when the program is installed, but the commands were not available. I searched the available documents but was not able to locate and install the snap-in.
I did not file a complaint at the testing site because at the time I thought it was part of the test, once I reviewed the error and the snap-in issue I emailed Certification@Vmware.com. I will have to see what they say on these items.