Re: VCSA 5.1 U1a stops on regenerating certificate
I had to revert to snapshot. Possible solution is to shutdown appliance, mount vmdk to some Linux system and delete /etc/vmware-vpx/ssl/allow_regeneration file .... but I did not try this
View ArticleRe: Beginner setup
You can find how to do this at How can I access the webGUI from the WAN? - PFSenseDocs André
View ArticleRe: Going back to previous view
You can navigate to any view by sending a NavigationRequest event containing the right extensionId and context object. Extension id and context info are displayed in the view URL. For instance the URL...
View ArticleRe: Getting this error during the build step: Failed to communicate with VI...
Hi,Check the additional debug logs located in /opt/vmware/www/build/<yourbuildprofile>.x/status which should hopefully provide more information than what you see here
View ArticleVery Rookie Question
So I had a vision that I could build a server in the following setup, using the free Vsphere hyper-visor. (2 Drives) RAID 1 - Windows 8 w/ the Vsphere installed on same drives1 Drive - No RAID -...
View ArticleRe: VSphere Client Install Issues
I had a very similar experience (AFAIK). Ultimately, I was able to get the install to work by applying windows updates. I had just installed Windows 7, and updates had not yet been applied. Once I...
View ArticleRe: SRM & Managed Object References Between vCenter Server Instances
We're writing management software that, among other things, tracks VMware objects. MORefs are used to uniquely identify VMware objects (like a VM). Given that the Managed Object Reference is a value...
View ArticleVMWare Tools devices tab gone?
I upgraded from Workstation 7 to 9. I've noticed the new VMWare Tools in the guest windows vm no longer have a devices tab. Is it still possible to list or see available usb host devices in the guest,...
View ArticleUpgrade from 4.1U1 to 5.1U1 SQL DB error, installation aborts
During the vCenter upgrade, after all the info is put in, during the database upgrade section, a window pops that says "Exception thrown while executing SQL script" Click ok, and it 'rolls back' and...
View ArticleRe: How to configure Dell Cachecade for ESXi
I was looking at FlashSoft 3.1 for VMware vSphere from SanDisk But it looks like it does not support NFS datastores (just SAN and DAS) - I may still do a DAS trial. Still looking for a better Dell doc...
View ArticleVMware Factory Hosing up one of my hosts
Anyone having an issue loading this on 5.1? As soon as I try to load this up and try a workload to create a windows 7 vm, I get and error message within vcenter saying "Database temporarily unavailable...
View ArticleRe: Can't load kernel modules into Linux kernel
Just an FYI... Even thought Linux Mint is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu or Debian nonetheless it is not an officially supported Host/Guest OS and as such it is considered normal and expected...
View ArticleRe: Can't load kernel modules into Linux kernel
Thanks AndreD! I had copied and pasted that from one of my other replies, where it was correct, and was having an issue with the Editor and didn't notice that.
View ArticleRe: Windows on VMware Fusion, Multiples Monitors
jsorrell, thanks a lot for your reporting this of now, it is only allowed to use 1 or all monitors by Fusion.we have one internal ticket (688708) to track this feature request which will be...
View ArticleRe: STAX Error when executing VMMark2-STAX.bat - STAX Service Not Registered
Aha - I am getting an error when I do that stating that I need to be on STAF V3.3.3 or later.- I am on version - that was the current download available when I downloaded it a couple days ago -...
View ArticleRe: VMW Horiz View Client cannot connect (Status Code 400)
Here's a snippet of my logs from a healthy connection for comparison: 2013-06-21T15:45:17.956-07:00 INFO (1330-1F80) <8064> [wswc] Log for VMware View Client, version=5.3.0 build-1042023...
View ArticleRe: VMW Horiz View Client cannot connect (Status Code 400)
Just noticed that the server you're connecting to is "". You need to point the client to the Connection Server/Broker rather than vCenter (and potentially Composer). Is that server...
View ArticleRe: VCSA 5.1 U1a stops on regenerating certificate
oh yeah, snapshot. I did that, because only a noob would mess with vcenter without taking a snapshot... A new vcsa anyway. good advice on mounting the vmdk. Thanks for the quick reply. J
View ArticleRe: CentOS6.4 のOVFテンプレートのデプロイに失敗する。
こんにちは。 下記KBに記載があります。5.1以前の場合はデバイスの接続情報をOVFに組み込んでいなかったためこの現象は発生しなかったようです。5.1ではきちんとデバイス(USB等外付けがある場合も同様です。)を外してエクスポートすることが必要ですね。 いずれにしても、解決できてよかったです。
View ArticleRe: Fusion Tech Preview 2013 on MacPro early 2008 fails to start Windows 8...
technolink, According to analysis by our developer, this issue occurred on Maverick/Mac OS X 10.9 which have been fixed on the latest Fusion 6.0 release.thanks a lot for your patience for waiting for...
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