Re: Need assistance in choosing between Vsphere ICM 5.1 and Vsphere FT
How much knowledge or how much experience do you need to have in networking/storage for these courses? Currently we are a smaller office, running netapp storage, juniper L3 switches with only a...
View ArticleRe: Trouble getting into VM using RDP with a NAT connection
Thank you for your reply JSen, Remote desktop is enabled, and I had turned off windows firewall on both the guest and the host server in hopes that it would solve the problem. The host server is...
View ArticleRe: Separate dvSwitches for traffic types or use NetworkIO Control with port...
Thanks HeathReynolds. We did realize one limitation. We planned on using 15 ports (5 per host), but etherchannel only supports 2 to 8. Since we're not on 10Gig yet, we had to limit it to 3, 3, and 2 on...
View ArticleRe: Need assistance in choosing between Vsphere ICM 5.1 and Vsphere FT
It helps but not required. A basic understanding of how networking works (OSI model, TCP/IP, etc.) and basics of shared storage concepts (the idea of LUNs, arrays, etc.) is really what you need. The...
View ArticleRe: Malfunctioned Volume
Migrations are based off the USMT features and can be used to "migrate" domains. It may take some custom scripting on your part to get this to work, but it could work.
View ArticleRe: vmrun quits after logout even when run as root
VMware does not officially support running a Virtual Machine in this manner under VMware Fusion.
View ArticleRe: Create Hardware Report
when I tried to do a search of the db for these fields I did not come up with anything. I did come up with the other common ones listed in the CVD properties but nothing else.
View ArticleRe: vmrun quits after logout even when run as root
that's ok, I'm interested in supported and unsupported solutions.
View ArticleRe: Can't see shared folders in Linux Guest (Windows Host)
Thanks WoodyZ. Same for me... guest to host is ok... host to guest isn't. No biggie... but if you get it working let me know. Thanks
View ArticleRe: Create Hardware Report
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin bis einschließlich 15.07.2013 nicht im Haus und habe in diesem Zeitraum nur eingeschränkten Zugriff auf meine E-Mails. In dringenden Fällen wenden Sie sich bitte...
View ArticleRe: Port mirroring available with vswitch or only dvswitch?
So the ESXi side is completely unaware of the mirroring in your setup? In that case it should not make any difference whether you use a standard or distributed vSwitch. The forwarding logic is exactly...
View ArticleRe: Programs installed from CDs do not work in an app layer
I am sorry I am not able to answer why there would be empty folders after the capture. I apologize
View ArticleFailed VCP5 exam today :(
Hello VMware Community So I came back from taking the test today depressed as I failed miserably 223 points out of 500,which obviously 300 is passing. Here is my background. I took the ICM course, i...
View ArticleRe: Need Help Troubleshooting Disk I/O Performance Please..
Hi, Disabling cache could cause performance issue. However you can check the vmekrnel logs for more information to see if anything else is causing the problem. RegardsMohammed
View ArticleAssigning IPs to each VM Ubuntu using VMWare EXSi 5, with vSphere Client.
Have a dedicated server running EXSi5 and 10 VM Ubuntu 12.04 LTS systems. I'm having trouble however attaching each one's specific IP. I want to use each one, some for family, work etc with remote...
View ArticleRe: Missing primary/arrayManager/connection[secondary] section in configuration.
I have the same Issue, please share the solution, ThanksLuis
View ArticleRe: Disabling printer redirection for remote users only
Hi, Refer this RegardsMohammed
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to have multiple ticket reports?
Brilliant! The 'Get Report Item ID' query was the missing link I was looking for. Thanks a lot!
View ArticleIs it possible to take snapshot while VM machine power if off if vm tool is...
Is it possible to take snapshot while VM machine power if off if vm tool is installed ?
View ArticleRe: Linux VM ( centos ) cant get more than xMhz of the Host CPU Resource
Man, you are "inventing" problem while there is no one. As I wrote, you can hardly load cpu of your server to max with nginx, because it depends a lot on the content served, disk i/o, memory, etc....
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