Okay. That helped. Here's exactly what I did:
1. Putting in the FQDN of the vCenter server (using the vSphere client) gave me the vCenter options and UI. Thanks for that.
2. I was then able to make templates and clone.
3. I then MADE a template.
4. I then made a VM *FROM* that template.
5. I then made a snapshot. (Has to be a snapshot made via the vCenter and NOT via vSphere.. arrgh.)
6. Snapshot magically appears: http://screencast.com/t/eBvPz7k5odZT
Thanks for the team effort !! Most appreicated.
PS I think I could have omitted step 3 and 4 and it might have still worked (HLSGet's suggestion).. but I was bent on seeing TEMPLATE and CLONE working. :-)