Dear Mbsizer,
please find anser to your question .
Check Account Rights
Ensure the account or group that you are logging into, like a “Domain Admin”, is actually in the local “Administrators” security group.
To ensure account is part of the local Administrators group:
- Click Start > Run. Type lusrmgr.msc and press Enter.
- Open Groups > Administrators.
- Verify that "Domain Admins" is listed.
- Open Groups > Performance Monitor Users.
- Verify that the local service account which is in use or "Domain Admins" is listed.
Note: If the target server is a Domain Controller you must use the "Enterprise Admin" account to connect to the server.
Check Perfmon Registry Access Rights
- From the Data Manager, attempt to browse the Registry in the Navigation pane:
- Expand the server branch in the Data Manager: Navigation Pane
- Expand the Registry branch, and expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE . You see an "Access Denied" error.
- Check HKEY_CURRENT_USER . You do not get an immediate error message, however you may get errors accessing keys below that, if you do, ensure the log in information is valid to that server.
- Check the access control list (ACL) list for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key in the registry. Ensure the rights are at defaults: (SYSTEM: Full), (Administrator: Full), (Restricted: Read), (Everyone: Read).
- If you are unable to access all the keys, restart the Remote Registry service on that server